Maintenance of hydraulic and pneumatic systems must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and at regular intervals. In addition to the general practices followed in the case of hydraulic and pneumatic systems, interventions or repairs are required as necessary to prevent possible damage or to improve the performance of those systems. Some components, such as hydraulic tanks, require specific maintenance.

Regardless of the failures of pneumatic, hydraulic or mechanical equipment, our experienced and certified technicians can offer you the best service as needed. We specialize in fast and efficient repair of all equipment, with emphasis on details and thorough tests.

All tests and repairs are performed internally using state-of-the-art equipment. We have everything we need to perform complete checks, repairs and maintenance, as well as the tools and components needed to perform reconstructions as part of our repair and maintenance services.

MPH Solutions specialists can also handle various on-site repairs, depending on location and equipment requiring intervention. While on-site technical assistance does not always mean that complete disassembly is a reliable option, we can repair or replace many smaller components and systems as part of an ongoing repair and maintenance service for pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical equipment.

Our clients also have the option of preventive maintenance contracts in the form of a monthly subscription, which involves a predefined number of visits to the client’s premises, for checking and testing the equipment and for making any necessary repairs.

In order not to disturb the activity of our clients, we also offer a standard repair or maintenance timeframe. These timeframes are based on the experience we already have in this area and are valid for the most common repair work.

Estimating the initial cost is always based on transparency. We will explain our process and perform a complete diagnosis of any equipment we work with. Sometimes this reveals potential undetected issues or prevents serious damage. If this is the case for your equipment, our technicians will contact you immediately to offer you an updated offer and perform the agreed repair. In this way, there are no surprises in terms of the budget allocated to repair and maintenance services.

Our specialists are familiar with the features of the equipment or components used for pneumatic, hydraulic or mechanical applications so that they can provide customized services according to their specifications.

We provide service for industrial machinery, conveyor belts, conveyors, elevators and industrial loaders, expellers, packing machines, etc.

The repair and maintenance services offered by MPH Solutions include the following:

  • Technical support for a wide range of equipment used in the food, manufacturing, siderurgical and automotive industries.
  • Mobile service for ascertainment, evaluation, repairing or reconditioning at the clients’ premises.
  • Preventive maintenance, based on a subscription contract.
  • Makeovers for machinery and equipment by replacing car body, cleaning and painting.
  • Mechanical repair – replacing or repairing of components of subassembly systems.
  • Pneumatic equipment repairs – we ensure good functionality of the pneumatic installations by removing the high-wear components, which make it difficult to operate the system and repair the pneumatic cylinders.
  • Hydraulic equipment repairs – we ensure the proper functioning of hydraulic pumping systems by removing high-wear components, which make system performance difficult and repair hydraulic cylinders.
  • Installation and relocation services of industrial machinery and equipment.
  • Technical support for the installation or relocation of industrial equipment in respect of mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical machinery and components.
  • Warranty and post-warranty for equipment delivered by our company.